Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Gist of Catholicism and Other Essays (contents)

The Gist of Catholicism and Other Essays
by Stanley L. Jaki
2001 (Pinckey, MI: Real View Books, 2001)

  1. "The Gist of Catholicism"
    Reprinted with permission from Catholic Dossier 7 (Jan.-Fete. 2001), pp. 17-28.
  2. "The Catholic Intellectual"
    Reprinted with permission from Catholic Dossier 6 (Jan.-Feb.2000), pp. 8-16.
  3. "Faith, Reason and Science"
    Reprinted with minor additions from Quarterly of Catholic Scholars, 23 (Nr. 2. Spring 2000), pp. 8-15. First presented at Portland University on October 16, 1999, in the context of the Faith and Reason Symposium, sponsored by the Office of Ministry Formation of the Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon.
  4. "The Immaculate Conception and a Conscience Immaculate"
    This chapter is the expanded and annotated text of a lecture given at the 7th annual Marian Program at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, Philadelphia, on March 4, 2000. Reprinted from Catholic Dossier, Nov.-Dec. 2000, pp. 4-11.
  5. "Liberalism and Theology"
    First published in Faith and Reason, 20/4 (Winter 1994), pp. 347-68. Reprinted with permission.
  6. "Undeceivably Infallible"
    Originally delivered in Hungarian, in Budapest, in May 7,1991, in preparation of John Paul II's visit to Hungary. First published in English in The Wanderer, July 18,1991, pp. 4 and 6. Reprinted with permission.
  7. "Peter's Chair: A Professorial Chair?"
    Invited lecture for the 12th World Conference on Love, Life and Family of Human Life International, Houston, April 12-14, 1993. First published in a booklet form by Human Life International, Gaithersburg, Maryland. Reprinted with permission.
  8. "Authoritatively no authority to ordain women"
    First published in The Wanderer, June 30,1994. Reprinted with permission.
  9. "The True Origin of Man"
    Invited paper for the Hungarian World Congress on Bioethics, Budapest, 6-8 June 1992. First published in Hungarian in JEL 5/1 (1993), pp. 3-ó. The English text is published here for the first time.
  10. "The Purpose of Healing"
    Keynote address to the 61st Annual Meeting of the National Federation of Catholic Physicians' Guilds, October 1992. First published in Linacre Quarterly 60 (February 1993), pp. 5-15. Reprinted with permission.
  11. "Life's Defense: Natural and Supernatural"
    First published in Linacre Quarterly, 61 (February 1994), pp. 22-31. Reprinted with permission. Here some notes have been added.
  12. "Consistent Bioethics and Christian Consistency"
    This English version of a talk, originally given in Hungarian in Budapest, appeared in Linacre Quarterly, 61 (August 1994), pp. 87-92.
  13. "The Ethical Foundations of Bioethics"
    First published in The Linacre Quarterly 62 (November 1995), pp. 74-85. Reprinted with permission.
  14. "The Dilution of Essence"
    The English text of a lecture presented in Hungarian in Budapest, July 24, 1998, and published in Hungarian Review of Bioethics, 4 (1998) Nr. 3, pp. 15-21.
  15. "The Future of Bioethics and the Soul's Future"
    The English text of a lecture, presented in Hungarian in Budapest on June 23, 1999, and published in Magyar Bioetikai Szemle (The Hungarian Review of Bioethics) 5 (Nr. 4,1999), pp. 1-7.
  16. "The Catholic Church and Astronomy"
    Originally published in History of Astronomy: An Encyclopedia (New York: Garland Publishing Company, 1996), pp. 127-31. Reprinted with permission.
  17. "Two Miracles and a Nobel Prize"
    First published in Catholic World Report, November 1994, pp. 60-63. Reprinted with permission.
  18. "Creation: Once and for All"
    First published in Proceedings of the 24th Annual Wanderer Forum, October 18-19, 1991 (St. Paul, Minn.: The Wanderer Forum Foundation, 1992), pp. 6-11. Reprinted with permission.
  19. "Beyond the Tools of Production"
    Invited paper to the collection of essays, "Reflections on the 100th Anniversary of
    Rerum novarum," published as a Wanderer Supplement, May 16, 1991, pp. 5-7. Reprinted with permission.

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