Chance or Reality and Other Essays
by Stanley L. Jaki
1986 (Lanham, Md and London: University Press of America;
Bryn Mawr, Pa.: The Intercollegiate Studies Inc., 1986), viii + 250pp
- Chance or Reality: Interaction in Nature Versus Measurement in Physics
Paper read during the 5th International Humanistic Symposium organised by the "Hellenic Society for Humanistic Studies" in Portaria/Pelion (September 16-22, 1981) on "Freedom and Necessity in European Civilization. Perspectives of Modern Consciousness." Permission to publish the paper immediately in Philosophia (Athens) 10-11 (1981), pp. 85-102, was given by the Hellenic Society, which published in full the Proceedings of the Symposium in 1985. - From Subjective Scientists to Objective Science
Paper presented at the 3d International Humanistic Symposium in Athens and Pelion, 1975; reprinted with permission from its Proceedings, Athens, 1977, pp. 314-30. - Maritain and Science
This paper was presented at the meeting which the American Maritain Association held at Princeton University, October 28-29, 1983, in commemoration of the centenary of Maritain's birth. Since shortly after that meeting I was able to consult the archives of Lycée Henri IV and of the Sorbonne, and relevant dossiers in the Archives Nationales, I felt it appropriate to rewrite and expand the section dealing with Maritain's student years. Reprinted with permission from The New Scholasticism 58 (1984) pp. 267-92. - Chesterton's Landmark Year: The Blatchford-Chesterton Debate of 1903-1904
This article is based on a paper delivered at the Conference, "Gilbert Keith Chesterton 1874-1936: An Interdisciplinary Approach," at the Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., March 10, 1984. Reprinted with permission from The Chesterton Review 10 (1984), pp. 409-23. - Goethe and the Physicists
Reprinted with permission from American Journal of Physics 37 (1969), pp. 195-203. - A Hundred Years of Two Cultures
This and the next chapter represent the text of lectures delivered on February 26 and 28, 1975, to inaugurate a lecture series on culture and knowledge sponsored by Assumption University, University of Windsor. Reprinted with permission from The University of Windsor Review 11 (1975), pp. 55-79 and 80-103. - Knowledge in an Age of Science
(see chapter 6 for provenance of this essay) - The Role of Faith in Physics
This paper was originally presented as a lecture at Kansas State University, February 16, 1967. Reprinted with permission from Zygon 2 (1967), pp. 187-202. - Theological Aspects of Creative Science
This paper is based on a lecture given at Princeton University on Feb. 20, 1975, in commemoration of the centenary of Albert Schweitzer's birth. Reprinted with permission from Creation, Christ and Culture: Studies in Honor of T. F. Torrance, ed. R. W. A. McKinney (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1976), pp. 149-66. - The University and the Universe
Paper read at the Faculty Retreat of Pepperdine University, October 9-10, 1981, and reprinted from its Proceedings, Freedom, Order and the University (Malibu, California: Pepperdine University Press, 1982), pp. 43-68. - The Greeks of Old and the Novelty of Science
Reprinted with permission from the Festschrift in memory of Konstanin I. Vourveris (1902-1981), Professor of Greek at the University of Athens and Founder-President of Hellenic Society for Humanistic Studies (Athens, 1983), pp. 263-77. - Christian Culture and Duhem's Work
Reproduced with permission from The Dawson Newsletter 3 (Summer 1984), pp. 6-8, where it appeared under the title, "An Author's Reflections," in connection with the publication of his work, Uneasy Genius: The Life and Work of Pierre Duhem (Dordrecht, London and Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1984), pp. xi + 470, illustrations, notes, list of Duhem's publications, name and subject index. - On Whose Side Is History?
Reprinted with permission from National Review, August 23, 1985, pp. 41-47.
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